Home » Pet Health » Searching Information Online » Online Cancer Resources Questions to Consider


The internet is an excellent tool to educate yourself on fast and up-to-date cancer information. However, there are no rules on what people post on the internet, which often leads to misleading or incorrect information about health and wellness. It is essential, therefore, to carefully discern what is helpful information and what is harmful or untrustworthy. When looking for information online about pet cancer, there are some questions you may want to consider:

    • Where should I start my search? Start with online resources managed by professional organizations and articles published in scientific journals. They provide information about cancer and other diseases in pets. Once you find a trustworthy website, check to see if the website has links to similar sites that can help further your education.
    • Is the website reliable? Most organizations will state their vision and mission in the About Us section of the website. If you find extensive product advertisements or links that direct you to order-placement pages, the company might be more interested in selling you something. Therefore, the website may contain overly optimistic information, biased, misleading treatment information, and extraordinary success stories. Such information may need some scientific backing. Also, be wary of websites that do not have contact information, as these sites may be spreading misinformation.
    • What are the author’s credentials? Look for experienced authors who have published articles in reputed journals of the relevant field. A professional, scientific writer with relevant experience will most likely provide accurate, informative, and unbiased reports.
    • Is the article evidence-based, or is it a blog? Cancer-related articles written by individual blog authors may reflect personal opinions and not evidence-based information. Therefore, articles published in scientific journals have undergone peer review and are scientifically accurate. Websites that end in “.gov” (government), “.edu” (educational), or “.org” (non-profit) tend to be trustworthy but be sure to be vigilant about their work. Websites that end in “.com” can still be reliable, but it is essential to check their resources.
    • Is the information on the website up to date? Given that research is ongoing, additional information on cancer and treatment options becomes available once published.  For the most recent information, check the date on the article and compare the content to multiple trusted websites to determine if the information is current.
    • Is the information too good to be true? Some websites or print articles will provide misleading information regarding cancer treatments. Be wary of language that promises miracle cures or limited-time deals on products that promise to treat cancer.
    • How can I use social media safely? Many trustworthy cancer organizations use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to distribute cancer information. Just be sure to find their information source before relying solely on social media. Social media can also be a valuable tool to track your pet’s behaviors, write notes from vet visits, and find a community of others going through a similar situation that can provide moral support. However, it is important to remember that, while reading about others’ experiences can be helpful, every disease and pet is different. What works for some pets may not work well for others. There is no substitute for your vet’s professional opinion.

Education is vital when it comes to managing your pet’s cancer diagnosis. Asking these questions will help ensure you are as informed as possible while making decisions about your pet’s options.

The Pet Cancer Foundation’s Website Editorial team is comprised of veterinarians, veterinary oncologists, and veterinary technicians, as well as scientific writers and editors who have attained their PhD’s in the life sciences, along with general editors and research assistants. All content found in this section goes through an extensive process with multiple review stages, to ensure this extended resource provides pet families with the most up-to-date information publicly available.

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Keep Your Pets Healthy Editorial Team

Last Updated: August 30, 2022

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The Pet Cancer Foundation’s medical resource for pet owners is protected by copyright.

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